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Thursday, April 12, 2007
KV: Up on Tralfamadore
Kurt Vonnegut: A real big deal to me for a long time (even now). I learned how to deal with death after reading his book Timequake. So, if you haven't read it, go do it. As with most of his work it's pretty nutty, but he talks a lot about the passing of his first wife. It was his ability to mix really poignant subject matter with absolute absurdity that drew me to his work. I've always functioned along those same lines, and it's nice to see it in written form.
Here's a song for Kurt called "Excessive Exposure" something I'm sure he'd feel a victim of today. Well, him and Imus. (Who kinda look alike, no?)
Performances by: Michael Kentoff (of The Caribbean), The Weird Weeds (from Austin), Nick Butcher, Shedding, Paul Duncan, Burning Star Core, Slaraffenland, The Zincs, Brad Laner, Pattern Is Movement, and Arbouretum. I don't know if I could pick a favorite...but probably the craziest thing I've ever seen live was by Burning Star Core. He absolutely slayed. He started with some amazing effected electric violin improv and then did a solo vocal piece that shook me to my [burning star] core. I'm pretty sure one of the dudes in Slaraffenland got video footage of it on his phone. INCREDIBLE. Go and check out his live show if he comes to a town near you.
All mp3's are available for promotional use only and will remain on the site for short periods. This site is intended to find the ears of upwardly mobile music consumers/connoisseurs (ha). If you'd like to see your music here or if you'd like your songs removed, please contact me here: Mr. Eagle