Solter = the Allen Iverson of remixes.

You may remember the last time you heard about Scott Solter was when he did his majestic all-analog remix of Pattern Is Movement's 2nd album, Stowaway...It's fantastic, and you should totally buy it, not just because we put it out, but because Scott is amazing. Here's a couple of tracks if you don't believe: One and Two.
The new FREE album is another full length all analog remix of John Vanderslice's Pixel Revolt. Go and get it, and call it a night.
Photo stolen from here. Thanks.
Btw, hanging out with Scott for the first time at SXSW was fantastic. Seeing him almost spit his beer out with pure excitement the moment that a discussion began about Cluster made me realize that we were going to be good friends for a long, long time.