SXSW is for champions.

So, I showed you some video footage before of Pattern Is Movement, but now I'm going to show you something even better: a dang old Flickr page with all of our awesome activities in Texas.
Performances by: Michael Kentoff (of The Caribbean), The Weird Weeds (from Austin), Nick Butcher, Shedding, Paul Duncan, Burning Star Core, Slaraffenland, The Zincs, Brad Laner, Pattern Is Movement, and Arbouretum. I don't know if I could pick a favorite...but probably the craziest thing I've ever seen live was by Burning Star Core. He absolutely slayed. He started with some amazing effected electric violin improv and then did a solo vocal piece that shook me to my [burning star] core. I'm pretty sure one of the dudes in Slaraffenland got video footage of it on his phone. INCREDIBLE. Go and check out his live show if he comes to a town near you.
As a bonus, here's two live tracks from our showcase at Mohawk recorded by a nice dood that runs the blog on the other end of this link...
The first is The Caribbean - The Beverly Boys (The Caribbean being the band, The Beverly Boys being the song).
The second is Slaraffenland - Show Me The Way
-As usual, Danish dynamite in full effect.
Gotta love Flickr. And I really enjoy Slaraffenland so thanks for the post!
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