Tuesday, April 04, 2006

so for real

Came across this Seth Dickerman fellow's photography last night...it's quite nice. Check it out...In lieu of finally posting what went on weekend before last, I'll drop two bits of adrenaline for your morning time:

Imitation Electric Piano - King's Evil
One of the better uses of harpsichord in the past million years...this was on a drag city sampler a few years back and it sat on repeat in my car for some time. The sneaky faux Asian (anyone remember Macha?) melody intro doesn't really let you in on how pummeled you are about to get by modern British motorik of the highest caliber. Go get it here.

The Pretty Things - Balloon Burning

I want to cover this song so bad...it will happen. It definitely has that chanting, long melody vocal line thing that makes me fall in love with This Heat and The Camberwell Now over and over again. And the repetition...ah, the repetition. When the chorus finally breaks you can't help but get completely crushed by the vocal harmonies. If anyone is aware of anyone making music this good in 2006 let me know. Cuz I'll sign em up. If I made a buddy action drama tv show with a high profile actor (Chris Elliot) and a lesser known up-and-comer (Bobby Brown) this would inevitably be the theme song. Buy the shit out of this incredible album here.

Weekend before last post coming up hopefully by end of day...an excerpt:
The alligator overpopulation is so thick in the Everglades that it would only take each alligator eating 16 humans to completely wipe out the entire population of Florida (not necessarily a bad idea in my opinion).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty Things........yes! Help me at my site www/freewebs.com/jakasso thanks!

9:37 PM  

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